


Applying Paper-Cut Games in the Environmental Courses of General Education: Pre-Blind Role-Play and Value Clarification of Sustainable Development




林青蓉(Ching-Rong Lin)


永續發展 ; 環境教育 ; 角色扮演 ; 價值澄清 ; sustainable development ; environmental education ; role-play ; value clarification




20卷2期(2017 / 04 / 01)


29 - 58






"Environment protection", "social justice" and "economic growth" are the three major dimensions of sustainable development. In the course of practice, one may encounter the conflicts of value or role obligations. How to use rational thinking and moral reasoning to deal with pluralistic context of sustainable development public issues is a necessary civic literacy and capability for today's college students. Therefore, environmental education is a process of concept cognition and value clarification. In this paper, a course on environmental education was used to explore the application of "role-playing" and "values clarification" learning strategy on sustainable development issues. Group games allow students to simulate interaction among countries with different development levels, and to explore individuals’ and groups’ reaction on attitudes and behavior in pursuing sustainable development. Learning activity design and implementation were recorded and cross-analyzed with students’ feedback in qualitative ways to investigate their change in attitude and value perception.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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