


Development of In-service Teachers Insect Board Games as an Aid to Cultivate Flow Experience and Scientific Process Skills for Elementary Students




盧秀琴(Chow-Chin Lu);林毓哲(Yu-Che Lin)


心流經驗 ; 昆蟲桌遊教具 ; 科學過程技能 ; ADDIE模式 ; flow experience ; insect board games' aid ; scientific process skills ; ADDIE model




21卷1期(2018 / 01 / 01)


105 - 131




因應國小教師認為「校園的昆蟲」是教學困難的單元,本研究以「昆蟲學特論」培育26位國小在職教師,首先教導昆蟲學科知識並用ICTS檢核,使其具備昆蟲學知識,之後國小在職教師分成7組先試玩「昆蟲大富翁」以了解桌遊教具,再使用焦點團體法指導以ADDIE模式來開發「昆蟲桌遊教具」(insect board games' aid, IBGA),前後回饋和修正;並聘請專家學者、資深國小教師進行IBGA的評鑑與回饋。最後,將這7組IBGA放在新北市五年級教室,讓84位國小學生試玩,測試其「心流經驗、科學過程技能」是否增強。研究結果如下:1.國小在職教師能應用昆蟲學知識和ADDIE模式來開IBGA。2.國小在職教師開發IBGA獲得AA級~AAA級認證。3.國小學童的「心流經驗、科學過程技能」前、後測分數的t考驗皆達顯著差異。


Teachers in elementary schools frequently think that the section of "insects on campus" is a difficult unit for them to teach. This study aims at training 26 in-service teachers to have the ability developing the Insect Board Games' Aid (IBGA). First, they were taught the knowledge of the insect subject and tested by ICTS to gain the entomology knowledge. Secondly, after playing demo IDGT, they were divided into seven groups discussing how to use ADDIE model to design IBGA through the focus group method. The ETGD was applied to evaluate the IBGA. Finally, 84 elementary students played the IBGA and tested with the FES and SPTI. The results showed that: 1. The teachers were able to use the insect subject knowledge and the ADDIE model to develop the IBGA. 2. For developing the IBGA, the teachers' performances were positively rated from Levels AA to AAA. 3. The elementary students showed better learning effects on FES and SPTI, reaching certain significant differences on the t-test.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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