


The Development and Application of the Accountability Leadership Scale for Elementary School Teachers




張文權(Wen-Cheng Chang);范熾文(Chi-Wen Fan)


績效責任領導 ; 教師領導 ; 量表發展 ; 教師專業 ; accountability leadership ; scale development ; teacher leadership ; teacher professional




21卷2期(2018 / 04 / 01)


169 - 198






This study aims to develop an accountability leadership scale for elementary school teachers so as to evaluate its accountability on the leadership. First, the conceptual structure of the scale was defined through the related literature reviews to develop the measurement items. Then, an item analysis and exploratory factor analysis were carried out with the pre-test subjects to establish the factors. Then, the formal data were collected from 612 elementary school teachers, and the 2nd-order single factor modeling was chosen through the competitive strategy to confirm the appropriateness of the measurement model. Next, the reliability and validity of the model were examined in terms of its reliability of individual items, as well as the composite reliability, extracted average variance, convergent validity, discriminant validity, criterion-related validity, and cross-validation. Finally, the actual results based on the scale developed were measured. The results show that in the accountability leadership scale for teachers appear in the 4 latent factors, including "promise-keeping leadership behaviors," "an open and fair positive culture," "student learning as the accountability," and "a cooperative professional learning community," in which 19 items consisted with good reliability and validity. In addition, the overall and individual performance of the scale developed were at an above-average level; "student learning as accountability" obtained the highest recognition among the 4 factors, and the teachers' characteristics were considered significantly different from genders and job positions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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