


Teacher Concerns in the Process of Change via Learning Community




潘慧玲(Hui-Ling Wendy Pan);洪祥瑀(Hsiang-Yu Hung)


教師關注 ; 關注本位採用模式 ; 學習共同體 ; teacher concerns ; learning community ; concern-based adoption model




21卷3期(2018 / 07 / 01)


145 - 167






Learning community is a vital approach for school change. Based on the learning-centered philosophy, it aims to trigger learning together in schools, as well as to flip the classroom for the enhancement of students' learning autonomy. To explore what teachers are concerned in the process of implementing learning community, the study used the concern-based adoption model as an analytic perspective. A junior high school was involved in the present study. Interview, document analysis and observation were used for data collection. It was found that teacher concerns demonstrated the developmental nature. However, the same types of teacher concerns appeared with similar intensity in the same stage of program implementation. In the stage of preparation, concern of self was present. But, in the stage of trial and development, concerns of task and impact coexisted. It was also noted that the three types of teacher concerns vary in content for each of the three stages. To sum up, the findings of the present study made great contribution to the body of research in the teacher concern field. Additionally, the results of the present study also provided implications for school leaders to employ appropriate coping strategies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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