


A Study of the Historic Development of the Politics of Bilingual Education for Immigrant Students in Germany with School Examples




余曉雯(Hsiao-Wen Yu)


德國教育 ; 移民教育 ; 雙語教育 ; German education ; education of immigrant ; bilingual education




21卷4期(2018 / 10 / 01)


1 - 29






Recently, with the trend of globalization, exotic marriages have been increased, and the proportion of children with the new immigrant background has been increased, too. By viewing this, the Ministry of Education begins to introduce a new curriculum in the 2018/2019 academic year, with the new residents’ languages included in the elective courses. However, one hour a week for a language course is far from enough, no matter for the children to use the language, or for other students to lean the second language from the primary or secondary school. After World War II, West Germany accepted a large number of refugees and foreign workers for the reconstruction of her economy. Recently, her demographic structure has been even more complicated by the mobility in Europe and the acceptance of refugees. With the increase of immigrant children, she not only deals with economic and political issues but also the social and educational problems. In Germany, the bilingual school for immigrant children has been currently in place in large cities. Therefore, this study focuses on the German research, literature, and policies as well as the experience from the schools conducting bilingual education. This research aims to support Taiwan government for deciding the measures in bilingual political policies offered to students with immigrant background.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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