


The Effect of Self Efficacy, Internal Locus of Control, Gender, and Teachers' Autonomy Support on Academic Interest: Multilevel Analysis of Individual-level Factors and School-level Factors




陳怡炘(Yi-Hsin Chen);巫博瀚(Po-Han Wu)


學習興趣 ; 自我效能 ; 內控信念 ; 教師自主支持 ; 多層次模型 ; internal locus of control ; learning interest ; multilevel models ; self-efficacy ; teachers' autonomy support




22卷1期(2019 / 01 / 01)


71 - 99






This study investigated the effect of individual-level factors (self-efficacy, internal locus of control, gender) and school-level factors (teachers' autonomy support) on academic interest. This study also explored the school-level effect of teachers' autonomy support on academic interest and its effects on moderating individual-level factors. This study drew the hierarchically nested data from Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 study which was obtained from 1,912 fifteen-year-old students who come from 163 different schools. The data was analyzed by multilevel models. The study revealed that the boys' average academic interest was higher than that of the girls in learning mathematics. Self-efficacy and internal locus of control positively and significantly predicted academic interest. Teachers' autonomy support positively and significantly affects academic interest. Academic interest possesses context-dependent characteristics resulted in different academic interest of the students. Based on the results, this study provides suggestions on the implementation and educational practices.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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