


Dewey's Role in the Transformation Processes of the Subject of History and Social Studies of the Secondary Schools in the United States at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Century




單文經(Wen-jing Shan)


杜威 ; 美國中學課程 ; 歷史科 ; 社會科 ; 設科演變 ; 1916年報告 ; 課程史 ; John Dewey ; secondary level curriculum in the USA ; history ; social studies ; subject transformation ; 1916 Report ; curriculum history




22卷2期(2019 / 04 / 01)


173 - 203




19、20世紀之交,美國中學歷史與社會設科的演變過程,始終是美國課程學界關注的重要研究問題之一。作者因撰寫與本文主題相近的論文而得知杜威(J. Dewey)在此過程中所扮演的角色仍頗有爭議,乃起意研究之。作者除據有關的課程文件,簡述此一設科演變的過程外,並將杜威置於此一由時勢、思潮所構成的脈絡中,檢視其與有關人物的貢獻,俾便理解其在當中究竟扮演怎樣的角色。本文的重點置於杜威等人與《1916年報告》的關聯,並據以指陳該報告多次出現杜威所言「關注當下的成長需求」一語所具有之籠統的特性,讓對於該報告的完成有直接且重要貢獻的T. J. Jones、A. W. Dunn及J. H. Robinson三位人士之觀點得以聯結,並且形成共識,而使未參與研擬該報告的杜威,以觀點聯結者的角色,成為一位有重大貢獻的間接影響者。


The transformation processes of the subjects of history and social studies of the secondary level at the turn of the 19th and 20th century has been the significant curriculum research topics in the United States. J. Dewey's role played in the process has caused much debate. The author decided to investigate the topic. The researcher described those processes by reviewing the related curriculum documents in order to understand Dewey's role and his contributions in the context of contemporary situations and thoughts. The paper emphasized the relations among Dewey and others and the 1916 Report. Based on the findings, the author pointed out that the vagueness in Dewey's statement "attending to the needs of present growth" was quoted several times in the Report. It implied that T. J. Jones, A. W. Dunn and J. H. Robinson who had direct and important contributions in finishing up the Report may align Dewey's viewpoint to form their consensus. This made Dewey, who were not a Report committee member, a special and important contributor.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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