


The Effects of Questioning Integrated into Repeated Reading Aloud Program on Oral Comprehension Performance of Preschoolers




李莉卉(Li-Hui Lee);簡馨瑩(Hsin-Ying Chien)


朗讀 ; 提問 ; 課程本位評量 ; 理解 ; reading aloud ; questioning ; curriculum-based assessment ; comprehension




22卷3期(2019 / 07 / 01)


215 - 240






The main purpose of this research was to explore the effects of "repeated reading aloud instruction" and "questioned integrated into repeated reading aloud program" on receptive vocabulary comprehension, inference comprehension, and listening comprehension performance. Quasi-experiment design was adopted in this study. The participants were 30 children (4.5-6 years old) selected from two preschoolers in New Taipei City. The experimental group received the "questioned integrated into repeated reading aloud", while the control group received repeated reading aloud instruction. The experimental group received the teaching 4 times per week and lasted for 8 weeks. The instruments used in this study were the Receptive Vocabulary Comprehension Test, the Inferential Comprehension Test and the Listening Comprehension Test for Preschoolers. The results were presented as follows: With regard to the ability of the Receptive Vocabulary Comprehension, Inferential Comprehension and Listening Comprehension, "questioned integrated into repeated reading aloud" significantly improved children' listening comprehension performance but did not significantly improve "inferential Comprehension".

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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