


A Case Study of PBL Curriculum Design and Application to A Chinese Culture Inquiry Project Conducted for American Senior High School Students in Taiwan




吳翠玲(Tsui-Ling Wu)


課程設計 ; 專案式學習 ; 華語文教育 ; 專題導向學習 ; curriculum design ; project-based learning ; PBL ; Chinese language education




22卷3期(2019 / 07 / 01)


31 - 53






This study discussed the PBL curriculum design and its application, with an illustrative example of a Chinese Culture Inquiry Project conducted for students of an American Senior High School in Taiwan. The eight Essential Elements of PBL were implemented as the design framework for this project. Observations and document analysis were adopted to examine the results. The PBL curriculum model was used to analyze the activities' process and their transformation into PBL curriculum, along with the learning theory and curriculum theory oriented by PBL constructivism. The finding is that the framework of PBL elements, refined by the researcher, worked feasibly for PBL-based curriculum design. However, an extra phase of "Project Preparation" could make a better process if added into the current Phase Four, as several supporting factors are important, including the length of time, availability of human and material resources, and prior experience and knowledge about PBL from teachers and students. Further studies are suggested to focus on the teacher's former pedagogical experience in PBL, their pressure from the time-constraint or affordable effort, as well as the learning styles from students.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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