


A Study on the Effectiveness of an Intelligent Teaching System in Improving Students' Learning Outcome in an iCampus




李瑞敏(Jui-Min Li);李宏隆(Hong-Long Lee);李青燕(Ching- Yahn Lee);陳昌助(Chang-Chu Chen);羅亦斯(Louis Yi-Shih Lo)


智慧校園 ; 智慧學習 ; 即時回饋系統 ; IRS ; 學習成效 ; iCampus ; iLearning ; interactive response system ; IRS ; learning outcome




23卷2期(2020 / 04 / 01)


1 - 24




智慧校園最重要的是智慧學習,本文討論透過智慧輔助教學系統提升學習成效,其中智慧輔助教學系統為即時回饋系統(Interactive Response System,簡稱IRS)。研究設計採質性與量化研究,量化研究分析IRS是否有較高的學生成績與課程滿意度。以中部某科技大學使用IRS課程為實驗組,對照組為無使用IRS課程,蒐集19門課程(114個班級)、5464筆資料;質性研究除了對量化結果進行三角驗證外,也從訪談內容分析朝向智慧校園時,推動智慧學習的成功關鍵因素。結果顯示:不管是專業課程或非專業課程,使用IRS課程有較佳的成績與課程滿意度,而且專業課程的效果大於非專業課程;第二,智慧學習是以學生學習為導向,並非教師教學為導向,但使用的資訊系統僅是輔助工具;第三,教師具備資訊素養,是推動智慧學習的成功關鍵因素之一;第四,智慧校園實施過程為資料蒐集、分析與預測、改善行動方案。


The core of an iCampus is iLearning. This article discusses the ways of improving the learning outcomes of students through the use of an iTeaching system, which is the interactive response system (IRS) in this study. This research adopted both qualitative and quantitative research designs. The quantitative part analyzed whether the IRS contributed to good academic performance of students and high level of course satisfaction. In this study, the courses that used the IRS at a science and technology university in Central Taiwan were set as the experimental group and the courses that did not as the control group. The experiment involved 19 courses (114 classes) and a total of 5,464 data entries were collected. As for qualitative part, it was used for method triangulation of the obtained quantitative results. The analysis of the information from interviews was used to figure out the key factors that influence the promotion of iLearning. The research results showed that whether it was a professional or non-professional course, students who attended courses that adopt the IRS tended to achieve higher grades and high level of course satisfaction. Furthermore, the effectiveness of improving students' academic performance was more significant for professional courses in comparison with non-professional ones. Second, instead of being teacher-oriented, iLearning was student-oriented and only an auxiliary tool for the curriculum. Third, teachers should improve their information literacy so as to implement iLearning better. Fourth, the iCampus implementation process consisted of data collection, analysis and prediction, and improvement actions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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