


The Acceptance Model of Entrepreneurial Courses: Perceived Easiness of Comprehension, Usefulness, and Lesson Participation on Entrepreneurial Intention




洪榮昭(Jon-Chao Hong);黃玉君(Yu Chun Huang);簡傑(Chieh Chien)


成就動機 ; 創業課程易理解性 ; 創業意圖 ; 課程參與態度 ; 課程接受模式 ; achievement motivation ; easiness of comprehension entrepreneurship courses ; behavioral intention ; course acceptance model




23卷2期(2020 / 04 / 01)


77 - 104






This study conducted a survey to explore the attendees' perception related to easiness of lesson comprehension, content usefulness, and attitude toward lesson participation on entrepreneurial intention. The participants were the students who took entrepreneurial courses in the Taipei metropolitan area. The online questionnaire was posted from January 16th, 2017 to February 28th, 2017. A total of 316 valid questionnaires were collected, and the effective return rate was 81.4%. The research found that: (1) achievement motivation was positively related to the perceived comprehensibility of entrepreneurship lessons and the usefulness of entrepreneurship courses; (2) the higher the students' perception of the easiness of lesson comprehension, the higher level of perceived usefulness of entrepreneurial curriculum was found; (3) the students who participated in entrepreneurship courses had higher level of belief about the easiness of comprehension and usefulness of the courses, and it eventually enhanced their attitude towards participating in the courses; and (4) The students' attitudes toward lesson participation was positively related to entrepreneurial intentions. The contributions of this study are the following: (1) The construction of an acceptance model of entrepreneurship courses may also be applied to other curriculum design; and (2) Achievement motivation is one of psychological traits to choose entrepreneurship courses. It indicates that promoting students' achievement motivation will be beneficial to their intention to start up a business.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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