


A Probe into the Contradiction and Temptation Between Network Ethics Cognitive and Behaviors




溫明麗(Sophia Ming-Lee Wen);張雅淨(Ya-Ching Chang);李詠絮(Mai, Y. H. Lee);胡玉玲(Yu-Ling Hu)


網路倫理 ; 課程與教學 ; 認知與行為 ; 系譜學分析 ; 權力 ; network ethics ; curriculum and instruction ; cognitive and behavior ; genealogical analysis ; power




23卷3期(2020 / 07 / 01)


141 - 170






This article is based on the fact that information technology (IT) has the characteristics of satisfying human needs for material life, while its companion power challenging the connotation of all human beings on happy life. Education can enhance people's understanding and application of IT. However, in the face of human subjectivity and the dignity being dysfunction, education should highlight its humanity, ethics, and even the ultimate vision of aesthetics. In light of Foucault's genealogical analysis and critique of power, knowledge and subjectivity being similar to the nature of the instrumental rationality and manipulations of IT, this paper borrowed these concepts to probe users' contradictions and temptations between cognition and behaviors to illuminate a network ethics curriculum and teaching. Beside literature review, the data were collected from 27 subjects of the schools at all levels, including teachers, students and parents to clarify the current situation and teaching needs through critical discourse analysis. Secondly, based on the empirical findings by means of a meta-philosophy, i.e. thinking, feeling, acting and wishing, the network ethics curriculum and course objectives, connotation and teaching principles were summarized. Finally, the course structure and curriculum map were provided for teachers. This article provides a solid base for teaching and the action research for the future research of cross-section and cross-section.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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