


How Senior High Schools Translate the 108 National Curriculum Guidelines: Perspectives on a Policy Enactment




陳斐卿(Fei-Ching Chen)


課綱 ; 行動者網絡理論 ; 中介 ; 課程 ; 政策促動 ; curriculum guidelines ; actor network theory ; mediation ; curriculum ; policy enactment




24卷1期(2021 / 01 / 01)


149 - 173






This paper accounts for the enacted realities of national curriculum reform in Taiwan, in particular the mediation of General Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education. Rather than examining how well national policy is implemented by senior high schools, this study explored how they are enacted. Using the constructs taken from Latour's (2005) Reassembling the Social, this study utilizes mediators and intermediaries to interpret how the socio-material elements shape the mediation process. ANT is also used as a method to follow the Guidelines in and across the school meetings and workshops, and to trace the mediation process of how the school teachers conduct the policy. Ethnographic data were collected from observing 33 administrative meetings, 45 workshops of across-school teacher community, 60 interviews, and many postings in online social media. Two assemblages of policy enactments have been finally identified. The first one is the curriculum governance, performed by teachers' course-rearrangement in order to fulfill their minimum teaching loading as well as those negotiated by the administrators for teachers' teaching boundaries and responsibilities. The second one is the curriculum design, performed by teachers' collective empowerment with the scaffolds of curriculum templets. Treating the Guidelines as things rather than merely documents, this study discovered inconspicuous but significant actors associated with each other, revealing the complexities of sociomaterial connections inherent to policy enactment. Furtherly, how senior high schools enact the educational policy has been better understood and how teachers' epistemic responsibilities can be extended are also discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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