


Memory of WWII Presented in German-Franco Joint History Textbook: Discussion from an Ethical Perspective




李涵鈺(Han-Yu Li)


正義 ; 記憶 ; 倫理 ; 教科書 ; 歷史 ; justice ; memory ; ethics ; textbook ; history




24卷2期(2021 / 04 / 01)


123 - 151






High school history curriculum guidelines provide opportunities to cultivate students' ability to examine historical issues, analyze value problems, and develop historical thinking. However, it remains challenging for textbook publishers in Taiwan to present historical issues concerning value judgment and cultivate students historical thinking in the ethical aspect. This research takes an educational criticism approach, with an example of the chapter "Memory of the Second World War" from the German-Franco Joint History Textbook for High Schools. The analytic framework of this research is the ethical dimension proposed by Seixas and Morton (2013), and the framework is adopted to analyze how the German-Franco joint textbooks recollect the Second World War and design the teaching materials. This research analyzes how these textbooks approach changes in the memory of an event through the diachronic timeline, use historical topics in public memory to bridge the distance between history and memory, and discuss ethical and justice issues through inquiry design. The analysis will serve as a reference for textbook editors and teachers. Finally, this research provides a reflection on Taiwan's history education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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