


A Study on Chinese Novel Teaching Strategies Employed by Experienced Chinese Teachers in High Schools




李鍑倫(Fu-Lun Lee)


小說教學 ; 高中國語文 ; 經驗教師 ; 滾雪球抽樣 ; novel teaching ; Chinese Language Arts in Senior High School ; experienced teacher ; snowball sampling




24卷2期(2021 / 04 / 01)


153 - 180






This study aims at exploring effective teaching strategies of novels in high schools. By adopting snowball sampling, the researcher selected three seed Chinese teachers from MOE's High School Chinese Education Resource Center and a TCSL teacher currently teaching in a high school as interview targets. During interviews with the four experienced Chinese teachers, the researcher posed questions about their concept for teaching novels, their self-reflection, and personal transformation through teaching novels. The teachers also shared effective strategies for Chinese novel teaching in high schools. The researcher hopes that the study can provide reference and guidance for teachers who teach Chinese novels in high schools. The research findings are as follows: (1) Using structural elements of novels to organize the overall teaching plan can help students understand the unique characteristics of novels; (2) Using layered questions to guide students to think, discuss, and explore can deepen their comprehension of a novel's contents; (3) The performance tasks provide learning experience by application of the concepts learned can enhance students' thinking and self-expression abilities; (4) Meaningful novel learning experiences for students can improve their independent thinking abilities and cultivate empathy for other people; (5) Responding to students' learning needs based on the characteristics of different types of novels can bridge their understanding gaps caused by a lack of prior knowledge.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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