
J. Dewey探究理論與有關教學主張解析


An analysis of John Dewey's theory of inquiry and related thoughts on teaching




單文經(Wen-Jing Shan)


J. Dewey ; 十二年國教課綱 ; 探究模式 ; 探究式教學 ; John Dewey ; Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education ; pattern of inquiry ; inquiry teaching




24卷2期(2021 / 04 / 01)


89 - 122






That inquiry-based teaching has recently been valued, research works on the subject of inquiry are increasing, and studies that offer a comprehensive introduction of John Dewey's theory of inquiry have been rare motivated the researcher to write up this paper. This author employs Dewey's works and relevant literature to sort out his theory of inquiry and related thoughts on teaching Dewey's theory of inquiry can be summarized as follows: Taking active problem solving as its essence, carrying the wisdom of implementation, not adopting a fixed step but a regulating process to acquire meaning and, therefore, meaning acquisition is the goal of inquiry teaching. Dewey's thoughts on inquiry teaching can be epitomized as below: The relevant resources should be used, the items of the inquiry model mastered, the careful and prudent teaching conditions properly planned, arranged, and given to instructors as early as possible to teach students indirectly and to unlock learners' natural talents.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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