


Have Fun When Learning Together? A Study on Multi-Grade Curriculum Mapping and Implementation and Students' Experience of Elementary Social Studies




詹寶菁(Pao-Jing Chan)


國小社會領域 ; 跨年級教學 ; 課程規劃 ; 輪替課程 ; 學生經驗 ; social studies for elementary education ; multi-grade instruction ; curriculum mapping ; curriculum rotation ; student experience




25卷1期(2022 / 01 / 01)


67 - 97






This study was conducted in an elementary school which adopted multi-grade instruction. The study explored social studies curriculum mapping and implementation for 5th and 6th graders and their experiences through classroom observation and interviews with a social studies teacher and students. The three main findings of the study are as follows: (1) the curriculum mapping and implementation of Taiwan history for a multi-grade class was influenced by the teacher's belief, the nature of Taiwan history units, and students' learning experiences and interests; (2) being in a multi-grade class had a positive effect on students' attitude to and motivation of learning Taiwan history; (3) students felt they learned better in a multi-grade class though they infrequently exhibited social skills. Three suggestions are provided: (1) the curriculum mapping of Taiwan history for multi-grade classes should employ curriculum rotation; (2) there is a need for developing multiple forms of curriculum organization for multi-grade classes; (3) in a class with few students, it is still essential to arrange multiple types of grouping to develop students' social abilities and self-regulated learning abilities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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