
從學校氛圍視角分析華人學生PISA 2018閱讀素養的表現


The Analysis of PISA 2018 Reading Literacy Performance of Ethnic Chinese Students: The School Climate Perspective




麥瑞琪(Soi-Kei Mak);張國祥(Kwok-Cheung Cheung);薛寶嫦(Pou-Seong Sit);楊文佳(Man-Kai Ieong)


比較教育 ; 華人地區 ; 閱讀素養 ; 學校氛圍 ; PISA ; Comparative education ; Ethnic Chinese region ; Reading literacy ; School climate ; PISA




25卷4期(2022 / 10 / 01)


191 - 224






This study examines reading performance of PISA 2018 in five ethnic Chinese economies, which includes four provinces/cities of China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Singapore, in order to assess the effects of school climate on reading performance from a comparative education perspective. The five ethnic Chinese economies are proximal in social, cultural and everyday life. Secondary analysis revealed that the school climate variables analyzed generally are able to predict students' reading performance with statistical significant effects. Though many of the school climate effects are common across the five economies, there are unique effects as well. Regarding these findings, educational practitioners should consider the local contexts while seeking to improve the school climate as well as students' gender differences in school climate awareness. In so doing, students' reading performance can be further improved.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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