The main aim of this research is to study the integration of the concept of global competence of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) in professional courses of early childhood education through the design and implementation of the course of "Comparative Early Childhood Education". This course applies problem-based learning (PBL) and aims to cultivate students' global competence from three dimensions: global exploration, diverse perspectives appreciation, and global action. The participants include 66 students who elected this course. They are highly motivated in gaining oversea experience but with limited international experiences. The questionnaire design, detailed course planning, and consultation are carried out before the course implementation. Four data collecting methods are adapted in this research, including class observation, semi-structured questionnaire, the analysis of students' home works, and focus group interview. All data were analyzed based on research questions. Two main results are as follows. 1. The course is structured around one major problem, three sub-problems, and three classroom activities which includes theme seminars, theme activities, and weekly learning tasks. 2. Students' global competence have shown overall improvement. Regarding sub-dimensions of competence, students also develop different motivations, perspectives, and approaches in global exploration, diverse perspective appreciation and global action. The course plan and learning activities used in this research could be a reference for related courses. However, educators should further consider the course nature, appropriate assessment for global competence, and teaching/learning loading when implementing courses as such. Recommendations for future research are also provided in the end of the paper.
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