


Social Responsibility of Normal Universities-A study on the influences of the Digital Family Program on Remote Rural Students




何俊青(Chun-Ching Ho)


社會責任 ; 師培大學 ; 偏鄉學生 ; 數位家族計畫 ; social responsibility ; normal university ; remote rural student ; digital family program




26卷2期(2023 / 04 / 01)


1 - 34






The purpose of this study is to explore the effectiveness of the implementation of the Digital Family Program. The research objects of this study included all students in universities, high schools, and elementary schools who have participated in the Digital Family Program in 2021. This study has researched the understanding of students' characteristics and online teaching strategies acquired by university students after half a year of teaching, as well as the impacts on students in universities, high schools, and elementary schools after participating in this program. This study adopted mixed methods research. In order to research understanding of students' characteristics and online teaching strategies, it used interviews, course guidance logs, learning sheets, and other documents for analyses. For the impacts on college students participating in this program, this study first conducted the pre-tests, experimental treatments, and post-tests. It then carried out a quantitative analysis of learning motivation and interpersonal relationships and finally summarized and analyzed through interviews and documents. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. Remote rural students have simple ideas and low motivation to learn, but they have a good attitude towards learning. 2. Online teaching strategies included starting from chats, using a variety of methods to arouse interests, increasing interaction, simplifying and facilitating the way of speaking, practicing in stages, differentiated teaching, and designing local courses. 3. The scores of learning motivation and interpersonal relationships for students in universities have improved after participating in the Digital Family Program, but there is no significant improvement. 4. After participating in the Digital Family Program, most students in universities, high schools, and elementary schools have received a positive impact. Finally, this study made recommendations based on the research results.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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