The USR Program in Taiwan focuses on talent cultivation and local connections, and its core value is to cultivate students' social practice ability and respond to local needs through interdisciplinary curriculum. Although the intention is good, how to carry it out without disrupting the balance between universities' instruction systems and professional knowledge learning at the department level, is the most challenging part. This study attempts to investigate the process of interdisciplinary curriculum planning of three universities which happen to carry out USR projects of three different stages, namely, the setup stage, the startup stage and the expansion stage, and summarizes the difficulties encountered in their USR's interdisciplinary curriculum planning, as well as their coping strategies and curriculum development models. This study found that, for universities implement the setup stage USR projects, or universities attach great importance to development of professional skills, they can plan from the whole university perspective, which means having general education courses as the bases, and complementing them with practical courses at the department level. For universities carry out the startup stage USR projects, departments which are in charge of the USR project can use existing social participatory courses as basic courses, and combine them with related courses across departments. For universities implementing the expansion stage USR projects, colleges within the university can play key roles. Courses from different departments of a college can be integrated and restructured to form various interdisciplinary programs. These programs are linked and promoted through the USR project. Finally, this study puts forward relevant suggestions based on the above findings.
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