


From "Literature Readers" to "Literature Leaders": An Action Research on the Integration of Project-based Learning into College Students' Exploration of Big Questions in Life




唐淑華(Shu-Hua Tang);杜鎮宇(Cheng-Yu Tu)


文學帶領 ; 文學閱讀 ; 生命大問題 ; 專案式學習 ; 學習投入 ; literature reading ; literature teaching ; life's big question ; project-based learning ; learning engagement




26卷2期(2023 / 04 / 01)


149 - 184






The purpose of this study was to explore how to integrate project-based learning into an elective undergraduate-level course, Literature and Affective Education. Action research was adopted to develop a two-stage hands-on course. By involving college students in literature reading and literature teaching, this course aimed to deepen their thoughts on life's big questions and to improve their learning engagement too. First, the course teacher led college students to inquire big questions through literature reading, discussion and reflective writing, then, the teacher assigned these college students to develop literature reading syllabus and teach high school students. The course participants included 53 college students and 30 high school students. The results showed that literary reading and reflective writing deepen college students' understanding about the big questions in life, and enable students to further develop and modify their thoughts on this. In addition, through the hands-on experience of literature teaching, undergraduates rebooted their learning motivation and facilitated them to make more concrete plans for future learning. Based on the study's findings and our reflections, we provide suggestions for future courses on reading literacy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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