


The Process and Tasks of Inquiry-based Mathematics Instruction Implementation by an Elementary Teacher




徐偉民(Wei-Min Hsu);黃暄閔(Hsuan-Min Huang)


個案研究 ; 教學任務 ; 國小教師 ; 數學探究教學 ; case study ; teaching tasks ; elementary teacher ; inquiry-based mathematics instruction




26卷2期(2023 / 04 / 01)


185 - 216






The research purposes were to investigate the processes of inquiry-based mathematics instruction, and the tasks teachers concerned in the process. An experienced elementary teacher who majored in mathematics education participated in this study. This study adopted case study as the research method and collected data through recording video in the classroom and interviews with the teacher. The results indicated that the teacher posed a non-routine mathematical problem for students in the beginning of her instruction, then she went through the stages of linking understandings, problem solving through inquiry, and elaboration for generalization. At different stages, the teacher concerned different tasks: at the stage of linking understandings, the teacher focused on "providing hints" to help students to understand the problem and what is asked; at the stage of problem solving through inquiry, "asking for explanation" was her major concern in order to help students to develop mathematical reasoning for solving problem; "sequencing students' thinking processes" was the focus at the stage of elaboration for further application. The processes of inquiry-based mathematics instructed by the teacher following the procedures of math problem solving. Teaching skills such as asking questions and interacting with students were often adopted by the teacher to achieve the instructional goals that included understanding the meaning of problems, development of problem-solving methods, and applying the methods to other problems with similar mathematical structure.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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