


Guiding College Students in Recognizing Career Adversity and Developing Self-Regulated Learning that Embraces Social Interest




許育齡(Yu-Ling Hsu)


生涯逆境 ; 自主學習 ; 社會情懷 ; 個體心理學 ; career adversity ; self-regulated learning ; social interest ; individual psychology




26卷3期(2023 / 07 / 01)


73 - 90




鑑於風險社會議題席捲,全球面對各項危機紛至沓來;本文從個體心理學(individual psychology)視角,先探索成長階段的大學生可能經歷的生涯困境,後從大學生自主學習的觀點,探討個體如何能從辨識逆境議題、灌注改變勇氣,並兼用認知辯證及情意涵容的能力開展社會情懷,經營益己、利人與利社會的生涯進程。文末,提出引導大學生發展社會情懷的自主學習前進架構,另指出高等教育學習情境,值得經營支持、挑戰與擴展視野兼具的環境,引導大學生在當前風險社會氛圍壟罩的年代,發展成熟的自主學習力與社會情懷,為個人成年早期生涯發展奠定相對穩健的基礎。


Given the prevalence of risk society issues, people worldwide are facing crises such as extreme weather, regional conflicts, energy, and economic crises. The new generation of college students growing up in this crisis-ridden atmosphere are developing individual and collective awareness and subconsciousness, gradually engaging in the construction of the present and future society. This study adopts an individual psychology perspective to explore the life adversities and career challenges that college students may experience during their growth stage. Furthermore, from the perspective of self-regulated learning, this study examines how individuals can recognize adversity issues, cultivate the courage to embrace change, and employ cognitive dialectics and empathy to foster social interests and pursue careers that benefit themselves, others, and society. Finally, this study proposes a framework for guiding college students' self-directed learning in developing social empathy. It also emphasizes the importance of creating educational contexts in higher education that offers support, challenges, and opportunities for expanding college students' horizons. This will enable them to mature in the face of today's risky social atmosphere and establish a solid foundation of self-directed learning ability and social interests for their early careers as adults.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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