


Oral Health Status of the Elementary School Children with Disabilities in Taipei County




賴敏華(Min-Hua Lai);黃純德(Shun-Te Huang);蔡鵬飛(Pung-Fei Tsai);林鴻津(Hung-Chin Lin);黃淳豐(Chun-Feng Huang)


身心障礙 ; 學童 ; 齲齒經驗指數 ; 齲齒盛行率 ; 填補率 ; disability ; schoolchildren ; DMFT index ; caries prevalence rate ; filling rate


Taiwan Journal of Oral Medicine & Health Sciences


21卷2期(2005 / 10 / 01)


95 - 115




研究背景 國內一般學童的口腔健康狀況已有資料顯示正在逐漸改善中,然而一般國小內的身心障礙兒童是否受到一般學童般如含氟水漱口、餐後潔牙等的口腔健康照護,他們的口腔健康狀況是否因此而與一般學童有所差異,這是我們亟欲探討的問題。本研究針對台北縣國小內身心障礙學童與一般生之口腔健康狀況及其差異做調查,以作為衛生單位及身心障礙者口腔保健政策之推展參考。 研究目的 探討身心障礙學童口腔健康狀況及其差異、醫療需求。 研究方法 台北縣210所一般小學中,有67所小學設置特教班,隨機抽樣23所學校,研究對象分為身心障礙組及一般生組,其中就讀於特教班、資源班、普通班之身心障礙學童為身心障礙組,同校中相對應之普通班學童為一般生組。年齡層為6~13歲,未伴有系統性疾病,如血液疾病、心內膜炎等。抽樣方法為分層集束抽樣調查法,抽樣機率以等比隨機抽樣。經過一致性訓練之醫師對所有參加學童進行口腔健康檢查。口檢是依據世界衛生組織(WHO)之標準。統計方法是使用Microsoft Visual FoxPro 8.0建資料庫,SAS 8.12分析。 研究結果 身心障礙學童1,028人中完成口檢及問卷者為789人,完成率76.75%,其中特教班290人、資源班288人、普通班211人;一般生1,028人中完成口檢及問卷者為877人,完成率達85.31%。身心障礙學童平均年齡為9.83歲,一般生平均年齡為9.96歲。身心障礙學童恆牙齲齒盛行率為55.13%、DMFT指數為1.81、齲齒數為1.16、缺牙數為0.03、填補數為0.62、填補率為35.91%。一般生恆牙齲齒盛行率為53.36%、DMFT指數為1.50、齲齒數為0.61、缺牙數為0、填補數為0.88、填補率為57.95%。 討論與結論 身心障礙學童口腔健康狀況均比一般生差,而填補率卻比一般生低。其中身心障礙學童在特教班的恆牙齲齒數及DMFT指數最高、填補率最低,資源班者齲齒盛行率最高,普通班學童齲齒填補率最高、恆牙齲齒數及缺牙數最低。可見特教班的身心障礙學童在一般學校內可能因特殊身心狀況無法施予含氟水漱口、餐後潔牙等的口腔健康照護,故無法受到與一般國小學童應有的口腔照護,因此口腔健康狀況最差,醫療需求最高,值得重視與加強提供其所需特別的預防保健措施及牙科醫療照護。


Background Current data have shown that the oral health conditions of able schoolchildren in Taiwan are improving. However, we are eager to learn whether or not the oral health conditions of the disabled children in regular elementary schools are the same as other able children, and whether or not the disabled children received the same oral cares such as fluoride rinsing, flossing and brushing after meals, etc. with the able children. This research targets at the oral health conditions and the differences between able and disabled elementary schoolchildren in Taipei County. The results can serve as a reference to the health administration on how to implement the disabled oral care policies. Objectives Research on disabled children oral health conditions and dental needs. Methods Subjects included disabled and able schoolchildren. Among the 210 regular elementary schools in Taipei County, 67 of them had special education classes, 23 in the 67 were randomly sampled. The disabled schoolchildren from the special education classes, resource classes, and normal classes were grouped into disabled group, while the able schoolchildren were grouped into able group. The age levels of the subjects were between 6-13; those who had systemic diseases like blood diseases, endocarditis and so forth were excluded from these children. The sampling method was stratified cluster sampling. The sampling percentage adopted geometric random sampling. Participants all had to take oral health examination by the dentists trained with consistency. The protocol and rules of the oral health examination followed the standard of World Health Organization (WHO). Database was built with the statistics calculated by Microsoft Visual FoxPro 8.0 and analyzed by SAS 8.12. Results 789 out of 1028 disabled schoolchildren received the oral health examination and the questionnaire. The percentage complete was 76.75%. Among them, 290 were from special education classes, 288 from resource classes, and 211 from normal classes; 877 out of 1028 able schoolchildren received the oral health examination and the questionnaire. The percentage complete was 85.31%. The average age of the disabled schoolchildren was 9.83, and 9.96 for the able schoolchildren. For the disabled schoolchildren, the caries prevalence of permanent teeth was 55.13%, the DMFT index was 1.81, the average number of caries was 1.16, the average number of missing teeth was 0.03, the average number of filled teeth was 0.62, and the filling rate was 35.91%. For the able schoolchildren, the caries prevalence of permanent teeth was 53.36%, the DMFT index was 1.50, the average number of caries was 0.61, the average number of missing teeth was 0, the average number of filled teeth was 0.88, and the filling rate was 57.95%. Discussion & Conclusion The oral health conditions of the disabled schoolchildren were worse than those of the able schoolchildren. However, the disabled schoolchildren's filling rate was lower than that of the able schoolchildren. Among them, the disabled schoolchildren from the special education classes had the largest number of permanent caries and the highest DMFT index and the lowest filling rate; the disabled schoolchildren from resource classes had the highest caries prevalence; the disabled schoolchildren from normal classes had the highest filling rate and the smallest numbers of permanent caries and missing teeth. It shows that the disabled schoolchildren from the special education classes in regular schools were not able to receive the oral health cares such as fluoride rinsing and flossing and brushing after meals due to their special mental and physical conditions. Because they did not receive the same resources of oral health cares, the disabled schoolchildren had the worst oral health conditions and the highest dental needs. The problem of the disabled schoolchildren from the special education classes is worthy of our concern and they should be given more special dental care.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 牙科與口腔科