The purpose of this study was to understand the spaces currently used by street dancing groups in Taipei city. This study used the sports facilities classification for analysis and comparison of the strengths and weakness of each street dancing space and looked for improvement. Through participant observation, the researcher did field investigation and recorded the present space usage condition for street dancing teaching and practicing. The architectural data of the spaces and sports facilities classifications (main facilities, ancillary facilities, supplementary facilities, associated facilities, and management issues) were also discussed in this study. Dancing spaces in Taipei city were divided into four categories including privately-owned spaces, public owned spaces, school owned spaces, and designated street dancing areas. It was found that there were pros and cons on the selection of dancing spaces in each category. As Taipei City Government only provided limited locations for street dancing dancers to practice, dancers were encouraged to choose the dancing space based on their needs and the characteristics of the space. On the other hand, the superintendent of every dancing space should set up regulations or rules to manage the space. In the case of planning to setup designated street dancing areas in the future, dancers' needs shall be taken into consideration in order to get the best benefit. For the future researches, it is suggested to use post-occupancy evaluation on these spaces for more objective results.
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