


Teaching Strategies in Inclusive Physical Education for Amotivated Students with Disabilities




尚憶薇(I -Wei Shang);徐偉庭(Wei-Ting Hsu)


學習動機 ; 自我決定理論 ; 學習性無助 ; learning motivation ; self-determination theory ; learned-helplessness




133期(2015 / 06 / 30)


1 - 6




身心障礙學生的身體外觀差異與動作範圍限制,影響參與體育課程的意願。 過去相關文獻發現身心障礙學生參與體育課程聚焦於降低歧視、鼓勵接納與合作教學等,卻忽略了身心障礙者本身的學習動機。本文整理自我決定理論中無動機模式與融合式體育課程在特殊教育或體育之文獻,目的是提出無動機學習之教學策略,作為融合式體育課程之參考。研究結果如下:本文以自我決定理論中無動機模式探究學生在學習上缺乏動機的機制,提出了四個向度的無動機模式,分別為:能力信念、努力的信念、工作特性、以及工作價值等。當身心障礙學生在融合式體育課程感到無聊、不想出席和低參與率,則呈現無動機狀態,將無法從課程得到期望的各種效益。在融合式體育課程中,依據無動機模式的四個向度提出教學策略之建議:建立成功經驗的體驗感、強調個人學習努力層級、給予快樂正向學習環境、與提供正向訊息回饋,以利改善身心障礙學生參與融合式體育課程中無動機情形。


Students with disabilities have different physical appearances and limited movement ability, which may affect their willingness to participate in sports. Relevant literature on students with disabilities who participate in sports has in the past focused mainly on reducing discrimination, encouraging acceptance, and fostering a collaborative teaching approach. This literature tended to overlook any examination of the learning motivation of such students. This article combines self-determination theory with the concept of amotivation to explore the mechanism of motivation in students with disabilities in integrated and inclusive physical education courses, and propose relevant teaching strategies. The four dimensions of amotivation include ability beliefs, effort beliefs, characteristics of the task, and value placed on the task. When students in integrated physical education courses display boredom, low attendance and low levels of participation, they are in a state of amotivation and do not gain any desired benefits from the curriculum. Based on the above four dimensions of amotivation, teaching strategies for integrated and inclusive physical education are given as follows: establish a sense of successful experiences, emphasize individual learning effort level, offer a happy learning environment, and provide positive feedback.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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