Due to the decreasing birth rate trends, the schools face to the huge and unprecedented challenges. Not only private schools, but even public schools are actively seeking a broader and more stable source of students. In recent years, many universities have begun to establish physical education (PE) related-departments in order to recruit more students. This trend of poor enrollment has been accompanied by the transformation of physical education teachers into the teachers within the Professional Department who are responsible for student recruitment. Sports and Leisure departments have thus seen the biggest increases in enrollment of any discipline. But how should these departments develop admissions strategies? These policies cannot be based on speculation, "common knowledge" or anecdotal evidence, but must draw instead on scientific evidence. This study was designed to carry out a data analysis on the importance of the relevant Department of Sports and Admissions importance to the formulation of policy. To facilitate the development of admissions policies related to the departments of Physical Education, this study conducts literature analysis, data analysis and analysis of relevant admission-related documents. Conclusions in this paper are as follows: Recently the Ministry of Education has been promoting institutional research that will provide guidelines for departments to development recruitment strategies based on scientific principles. In the future we suggest the PE-related-departments should continually track and store relevant data and gather evidence, including the sources of student enrollment, current students, curriculum design and external environment. With this data, universities devise strategies for meeting the challenges of the decreasing birth rate and find a sustainable management solution.
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