


New Concepts of the Revolutions in Collegiate Physical Education Class




黃森芳(Sen-Fang Huang);陳聰毅(Tsung-I Chen);黃國欽(Kuo-Chin Huang)


規律運動 ; 認知 ; 運動知識 ; regular exercise ; cognitive ; sports knowledge




134期(2015 / 09 / 01)


1 - 9




學生經歷體育課的年數愈多,規律運動情形愈差。臺灣161大專校院,132所規定2年必修體育,只有35所承認體育畢業學分。沒有體育評鑑,大專院校就減少體育必修,這些現象的背景值得深入討論。本文目的是從認知發展、學習理論、科學研究、學生就業準備與社會需求等面向,探討目前臺灣大學體育課所面臨的困境之改革策略。研究方法是參閱行政院與考試院內等單位網站發表之年報、統計結果、會議紀錄、計畫書與相關研討會論文內容,並從PubMed、Medline及Google引擎蒐尋相關文獻,以輸入關鍵詞:physical education、exercise、physical activity、cancer、cardiovascular diseases、myokine等,整理歸納、探討和論述。從結果分析得知,學生年齡愈大,思考判斷需要愈多的資訊與知識,做為各種行為決定的依據。然而運動對身體健康的科學證據是培養學生規律運動最具說服力的知識,可作為教育大學生判斷、決定與執行規律運動行為的依據。應用所學自我訓練與協助指導長者,符合大學生就業準備與社會需求。最後,本文亦提出以運動預防疾病為主的學理知識與實務操作體育課程的建議內容。


The more years of physical education (PE) class students in Taiwan experience, the less regular exercise they perform. There are 161 universities/colleges nationwide, 132 of which require 2 years of PE. Only 35 designated PE as part of graduation credit. Without official PE evaluation, universities/colleges reduce their PE requirements. The purpose of this article was to explore the difficult position and future reform strategies of PE classes at universities/colleges based on perspectives of cognitive development, learning theory, scientific research, societal needs and student's occupational preparation. The method required a review of annual report, statistical data, meeting minutes, proposals and conference papers, and searches of literature via PubMed, Medline and Google. The latter involved searching on key words such as physical education, exercise, physical activity, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and myokine. After these various resources were compiled and discussed, generalizations and conclusions were drawn. The results revealed that as a student develops, his or her prefrontal lobe is maturing, requiring new information and knowledge as a foundation for judging various behaviors. Mounting and persuasive evidence from scientific research on the health benefits of exercise suggests that fostering the practice of regular exercise in PE class at university/college and teaching relevant skills are vital for students. Conducting fitness self-training and helping elder family members exercise using knowledge and skills gained at school also helps improve students' employability and meets a societal need. A recommended teaching content of PE is proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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