


Approach to False Foul Calling and Sportsmanship




江欣惇(Shin-Tun Chiang);林楹程(Ying-Cheng Lin)


飛盤爭奪賽 ; 自我裁決 ; 再教育 ; ultimate frisbee ; self-referee ; re-education




134期(2015 / 09 / 01)


30 - 40






Ultimate Frisbee is a relatively new and evolving sport with no on-field referee who adjudicates fouls or disagreements during game play. Resolving disagreements regarding fouls requires communication between the opposing teams. This creates an honor system which relies on every player on the field to adhere to the ethics of sportsmanship with integrity. However, even sports that have referees or judges see instances of unsportsmanlike conduct or players taking advantage of loopholes in the rules to benefit their team. Ultimate Frisbee's lack of an on-field official is therefore its most controversial aspect. The purpose of this paper was to define what constitutes an invalid or improper cry of foul, and evaluate relevant breaches of sportsmanship. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, in conjunction with documentary analysis. A purposive sampling approach was adopted to select three interviewees: one male and one female player and a coach, all from the Chinese Taipei Team in the WFDF 2013 World Under-23 Ultimate Championships. Research results determined five causes of invalid foulcalling: (1) misunderstandings regarding the rules; (2) attempts to overcome competitive disadvantages and achieve a balanced competition; (3) intimidation tactics; (4) other tactical benefits; (5) retaliatory fouls. As can be understood after examination of the five main sources of disagreement, the sport can only rely on re-education to reduce the incidence of invalid foul calling and breaches of sportsmanship.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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