


Application of Partial Least Square in the Sports Field




徐茂洲(Mao-Chou Hsu)


結構方程模式 ; 形成型指標 ; 反映型指標 ; structural equation modeling ; formative indicator ; reflective indicator




136期(2016 / 03 / 31)


55 - 65




偏最小平方法近年來在工具上的快速發展與議題的擴散趨勢來看,偏最小平方法未來仍有相當大的發展空間。本研究目的在探討體育領域2008年~2014年收錄於臺灣社會科學引文索引(Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index, TSSCI)期刊之論文,應用偏最小平方法之探討之現況。希望透過介紹偏最小平方法的基本原理與論文應用架構、偏最小平方法優點,方法以分析、應用、歸納、整理體育領域TSSCI與國際期刊應用偏最小平方法與結構方程模式之探討,瞭解體育領域TSSCI論文應用偏最小平方法發表之論文。研究結果發現 體育領域2008年~2014年TSSCI論文應用偏最小平方法有1篇。本研究建議要先考量研究目的而選擇合適的統計方法進行分析。


According to the rapid development in tools and good spreading trend for issues in recent years, the partial least squares will continue to share a huge developing space in the future. The purpose of this paper was to discuss the current situation of partial least squares applied in the 2008 ~ 2014 TSSCI (Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index) papers in the sports field. Hoping to know the published TSSCI papers applying partial least squares in the sports field by introducing the fundamental of partial least squares, the application architecture of the paper, and the advantages of the partial least squares, method by the means of analysis, application, induction, arrangement of the discussions on the TSSCI and the international journals applying partial least squares and structural equation modeling in the sports field. The results showed that there was one paper in the sports field applying partial least squares in the 2008 ~ 2014 TSSCI. This paper suggested that we considered the research purposes at first and then chose the appropriate statistical approach for analysis.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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