


Cultivating Moral Awareness: Sports as Moral Practice




劉雅文(Ya-Wen Liu)


國民教育 ; 學校教育 ; 道德教育 ; 運動家精神 ; citizen education ; formal education ; moral education ; sportspersonship




141期(2017 / 06 / 30)


1 - 10






Since ancient times, moral principles and practices have taught us positive values, not only focusing on the inner conscience and external good behavior, but also the important issue of citizen education. Formal education should take physical activity as a fundamental aspect of moral education, presenting principles and practices that cultivate a virtuous environment. Therefore, this article aims to explore the moral characteristics of sports as taught in schools, especially reaffirming courtesy, moral rectitude, integrity, sportspersonship and a sense of honor, and the important impact of injecting active, positive and effectual moral values and moral reasoning into the sporting context. This article conducts a literature review regarding sports ethics and morality. This article expects, by raising moral perception issues, to develop moral education, starting from physical education teaching. Through the positive guidance of teachers and coaches, the principles of moral education can be reflected on, valorized and put into practice. Students will thus learn good behaviors, conduct moral practice in daily life and become good moral citizens. This in turn helps to create a harmonious social atmosphere.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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