


New Blue Ocean of Female Fitness: Development, Strategy, and Challenges of Taiwan Curves




葉怡矜(Yi-Jin Ye)


健身加盟連鎖 ; 規律運動 ; 競合關係 ; 流動率 ; fitness franchise ; regular exercise ; contradictory relationship ; turnover rate




142期(2017 / 09 / 30)


13 - 22




運動健身風氣擴展全臺灣之際,健身運動中心仍以男性為主要客群,當女性專屬之可爾姿女性30分鐘環狀運動 (Curves)被引進臺灣後,3年內就寫下營業額增加6倍的紀錄,至2017年之10年間已展店至117家,成為運動健身加盟連鎖產業的龍頭,成功創造臺灣休閒健身運動的新藍海。本文目的在探討成功開創女性健身運動新藍海臺灣Curves 之發展、策略與挑戰,以提供未來推展女性休閒健身與規律運動之參考。並運用質性研究之文獻探討、實地參與、觀察與訪談加盟主等方法,收集研究資料。結果發現臺灣Curves之策略在於專攻全女性健身運動、最短時間的完整有效訓練、安全簡單而有效的液壓設計健身器材、價格透明合理不綁約、運動時間地點具彈性、與推動運動激勵方案,加上會員的高滿意度達成高口碑行銷,成功開創了臺灣休閒健身新藍海;臺灣Curves的挑戰為加盟分店之間的競合關係、教練之高流動率、共享品牌具風險、重複性運動缺乏客製化服務、其他健身中心之競爭。未來建議臺灣Curves持續推動臺灣女性規律運動為目標、拓展中南部分店、降低教練的流動率、評估新加盟主與店鋪地點的適切度、提供進階服務,與持續推動會員激勵運動方案。


When the trend of leisure sport and fitness is getting popular in Taiwan, most of the fitness centers are targeting for male customers. When female 30-minutes workout Curves introduced to Taiwan, the revenue had been grown 6 times within 3 years and the stores had been quickly expanded to 117 stores in 2017. Curves has become the leader of the fitness franchise and successfully created the new blue ocean of fitness industry in Taiwan. The purposes of this paper are to explore the Taiwan Curves' development, blue ocean strategy, and challenges in the future. The research method is qualitative oriented, including literature review, on-site observation, and interview with the store manager. The results indicate that the Curves' strategies include female only, the most efficient sport in 30 minutes, friendly-use liquid pressure fitness equipment, flexible time and accessible sites, and planning sport encourage and rewards. Thus, Curves' members perceive high satisfaction of service and contribute successful word-of-moth marketing that make Taiwan Curves creating a new blue ocean of female fitness. The challenges of the future are the contradictory relationship among stores, coaches' high turnover rate, risks for sharing the same brand, repetitive exercise and lack of individual plans, and facing competition with other fitness centers. The researcher suggests that Curves may keep promoting Taiwan female's regular exercise as the goal, opening more stores in middle and southern Taiwan, decreasing coaches' turnover rate, evaluating the competence of new store managers and sites' suitableness, providing advance services and keep promoting sport incentives and rewards.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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