


Influences of Relationship Quality, Sport Fan Community Participation, and Membership on Sport Consumption Behavioral Intentions




余宗龍(Chung-Long Yu);謝承勳(Cheng-Hsun Hsieh);涂鵬斐(Peng-Fei Tu)


職業運動 ; 運動消費決策 ; 運動管理 ; 運動迷消費社群 ; professional sport ; sports consumer decision-making ; sport management ; sport fan consumption communities




142期(2017 / 09 / 30)


23 - 34






Existing literature on professional sports consumer decision-making has primarily focused on analyzing internal and external determinants of individuals' game attendance; however, there has been only limited study of customer relationship of individual-sport teams or interactive relationship sport spectators. Recent sport management literature indicates that sport consumer-team relationship quality and sport fan consumption communities may play significant roles in sport consumption behaviors. Therefore, the present paper aims to develop an integrated model for sport consumption behavior by incorporating relationship quality constructs and a sports fan consumption community viewpoint into an analysis of the effect of various relationship quality dimensions on sport consumption behavior. Systematic literature reviews are used. Results offer empirical evidence that five such dimensions (trust, commitment, identification, intimacy, and reciprocity) as well as sports fan community viewpoint (membership, participation) may influence diverse behavioral intentions of sport consumption. Based on analysis of study results, practical and theoretical suggestions are provided in the hope of contributing to theoretical extensions, managerial implications, and future research directions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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