


Revising the Chinese Version of the Compliant and Principled Sportspersonship Scale




劉雅文(Ya-Wen Liu)


項目分析 ; 內部一致性檢定 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; 多群組樣本模式分析 ; item analysis ; Cronbach's α coefficient ; confirmatory factor analysis ; simultaneous multi-group covariance analyses




145期(2018 / 06 / 30)


8 - 18






The purpose of this study was to revise a reliable and valid scale of the Chinese version of the Compliant and Principled Sportspersonship Scale (CAPSS) for future studies using a series of quantitative research procedures. In this study the responses of 1,223 university students to the Chinese version of CAPSS were recorded in two stages. Statistical analyses performed include item analysis, Cronbach's α coefficient, confirmatory factor analysis, and simultaneous multi-group covariance analyses. The statistical results showed that the 20 items of the Chinese version of CAPSS were a good overall fit for the data and an effective assessment measure, since its scores were directly and positively related to sportspersonship for any given respondent. The CAPSS scale has appropriate reliability and validity and has practical value when used in future studies to assess respondents' commitment and principles of sportspersonship.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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