


Effect of Sports Stars on the Development of Top Volleyball League in Taiwan




黃鴻鈞(Hong-Chun Huang);林顯丞(Hsien-Chen Lin);吳忠政(Chung-Cheng Wu)


外籍球星 ; 本土球星 ; 長期合約 ; expatriate sports star ; local sports star ; long-term contract




148期(2019 / 03 / 31)


1 - 14






The Top Volleyball League in Taiwan has been in operation for more than 14 years, but reached a plateau in overall competitiveness that brought a gradual decrease in the impressiveness and excitement of the games. After recruitment of expatriate sports stars began in 2015, however, the league set a new single-season record for spectators. In addition, the development of local sports stars has led more spectators to have a strong passion for volleyball, greatly benefitting the development of the league. Through a review of relevant literature and online media reports, this article aims to discuss the impact and effect of recruiting expatriate sports stars and developing local sports stars on the development of volleyball in Taiwan. The results of this article show that (1) the recruitment of expatriate sports stars not only effectively increases the overall technical and tactical skill levels of the competition but also increases the interest of volleyball fans. (2) Developing local sports stars can also impress and motivate volleyball fans. (3) Local sports stars joining foreign professional leagues can enhance Taiwanese players' skill levels. However, there are obstacles: first, due to the current lack of confidence of the consortium in investment in the corporate volleyball league, foreign stars are unable to obtain long-term contracts. Therefore, the benefits from recruiting foreign players are short-lived. Second, the Taiwanese authorities also do not have an official player travel platform; therefore, many local players are deprived of opportunities to join volleyball leagues all over the world. In order to optimize the development of volleyball in Taiwan, we suggest that the Top Volleyball League should continue its recruitment of international sports stars in the future, foster an international outlook, and actively seek opportunities for Taiwanese players to join volleyball leagues all over the world.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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