


Descriptive Analysis of Physical Fitness Test Methods for Older Adults in Taiwan




何健章(Chien-Chang Ho)


心肺耐力 ; 肌肉適能 ; 柔軟度 ; 平衡能力 ; 身體組成 ; aerobic endurance ; musculus fitness ; flexibility ; balance ; body composition




150期(2019 / 09 / 30)


19 - 33




本研究目的為蒐集國內外老年人體適能檢測方法相關之研究,藉以研擬臺灣老年人體適能檢測方法之標準與流程。方法採系統性文獻回顧與描述性分析,搜尋自2000年至2013年期間刊登在PubMed、Medline、思博網及中文電子學位論文服務等資料庫,經篩選共計找出46篇研究論文。分析結果指出建立臺灣老年人體適能檢測項目與方法如下:心肺耐力(2分鐘抬膝)占29.0%、肌肉適能-上肢肌力與肌耐力(30秒肱二頭肌手臂屈伸)占17.0%、下肢肌力與肌耐力(30秒椅子坐立)占29.2%、上肢柔軟度(抓背測驗)占22.5%、下肢柔軟度(椅子坐姿體前彎)占42.5%、動態平衡能力與敏捷性(2.44m椅子坐起繞物)占31.9%、靜態平衡能力(開眼單足站立)占38.6%及身體組成(身體質量指數與腰臀比)占58.5%及6.2%。本研究結論臺灣老年人體適能檢測項目、方法及流程建議如下:一、報到確認身分、編號、領取並填寫檢測紀錄表與運動安全問卷表、說明檢測內容與安全注意事項;二、量測安靜血壓值(blood pressure)與心跳率、健康篩選與運動風險分級;三、引導進行暖身運動及伸展操;四、量測身高、體重、腰圍及臀圍等身體組成指標(身體質量指數與腰臀圍比);五、開眼單足立;六、下肢肌力與肌耐力(30秒椅子坐立);七、上肢肌力與肌耐力(30秒肱二頭肌手臂屈伸);八、心肺耐力(2分鐘抬膝);九、下肢柔軟度(椅子坐姿體前彎);十、上肢柔軟度(抓背測驗);十一、動態平衡能力與敏捷性(2.44m椅子坐起繞物)。


The purpose of this study was to collect worldwide research studies related to physical fitness test methods for older adults, and to create a set of standards for physical fitness tests for older adults in Taiwan. The methodologies of this study include systematic review and descriptive analysis. This study identified and analyzed 46 research articles published between 2000 and 2013 on primary databases in the medical field such as PubMed, Medline, Chinese Electronic Periodicals Service (CEPS), and Chinese Electronic Theses and Dissertation Service (CETD). The results showed that the feasible test items and results for older adults in Taiwan could be 29.0% for aerobic endurance (2-minute step), musculus fitness 17.0% for upper body muscle strength and endurance (30-second arm curl), 29.2% for lower body muscle strength and endurance (30-second chair stand), 22.5% for upper body flexibility (back scratch), 42.5% for lower body flexibility (chair sit-and-reach), 31.9% for dynamic balance and agility (8-foot up-and-go), 38.6% for static balance (one-leg stance with eyes open), and 58.5% and 6.2% for body composition (body mass index and waist-to-hip ratio). This study concludes that the recommended physical test items, methods, and procedures of physical fitness test for older adults in Taiwan are as follows: First, subjects register to confirm identity, collect number tags, fill out test record form and sports safety questionnaire, and are briefed on the test contents and safety precautions by the testers. Second, testers measure blood pressure and heart rates of the subjects in a quiet state. Testers perform health screening and sports risk grading for the subjects. Third, testers guide the subjects through warm-up and stretching exercises. Fourth, testers measure anthropometric indicators such as height, weight, waist circumference, and hip circumference. Fifth, subjects undertake a static balance test. Sixth, lower body muscle strength and endurance are tested. Seventh, upper body muscle strength and endurance are tested. The next three tests are aerobic endurance, lower body flexibility, and upper body flexibility. The final tests are for dynamic balance and agility.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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