


Prevention and Treatment of Table Tennis Injuries




陳建利(Jiann-Li Chen);唐嘉佑(Chia-Yu Tang);董牧喬(Mu-Chiao Tung)


網球肘 ; 髕骨肌腱炎 ; 肩關節夾擠症候群 ; tennis elbow ; patellar tendonitis ; shoulder impingement syndrome




151期(2019 / 12 / 31)


48 - 61






Table tennis is a mainstream sport. Table tennis provides leisure and entertainment to numerous communities, and also improves health and develops exercise as a virtuous habit. However, competitive table tennis players mainly pursue glory and aim to win. Any player who hopes to pursue the goal of professional play must train intensely every day for long periods, meet strict requirements, and keep up with changes in the official rules. Therefore, players who aspire to professional status have a higher probability of sports injuries than amateurs do. This article aims to explore the principles of prevention and the basic treatment of common table tennis injuries. This paper reviews relevant literature and research data regarding seven common table tennis injuries, namely hand contusion, muscle spasms, tennis elbows, ankle sprains, patellar tendonitis, lower back pain, and shoulder impingement syndrome. We also explained the prevention, emergence, and post injury treatment of each sports injury to instruct athletes and coaches and to raise concern regarding these issues.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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