This cross-sectional study aimed to discuss the motivation and satisfaction of a sample of college students who used the Doping Enquiry System App, and further investigated the correlation between those two variables. A survey composed of two questionnaires (the Motivation for Using the Doping Enquiry System App and the Satisfaction when Using the Doping Enquiry System App) was conducted among 208 students recruited from the Athletics Section of Department of Physical Education of Fu Jen Catholic University. The survey was administered in four stages: preparation, questionnaire development and distribution, data collation and analysis, and research conclusion and recommendation. Pearson's partial correlation analysis was applied to determine the relationship among satisfaction, motivation, and gender. The results indicated that satisfaction was correlated to motivation rather than gender, thus satisfying Taiwanese athlete's requirements under different use cases. We propose that further improvements in the convenience of use and operation would encourage professionals such as doctors or athletes to promote this system. When this system reaches a high usage rate, it will greatly reduce the risk of doping among Taiwanese athletes in international competitions.
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