


Current State and Development Strategies of Southern Lion Dance Sport in Taiwan




粘瑞狄(Jui-Ti Nien);蘇春和(Chun-Ho Su);念裕祥(Yu-Hsiang Nien)


民俗體育 ; 運動政策 ; 運動參與 ; folk sport ; sports policy ; participation in the sport




155期(2020 / 12 / 31)


1 - 13






The southern lion dance is one of the traditional folk sports in Taiwan that is in the process of globalization. However, few studies have investigated the development of this sport. Through relevant literature review, this article aims to investigate the ongoing development of the southern lion dance movement in Taiwan and provide specific development strategies. We summarize the historical meaning of the dance, as well as the current state of its promotion and participation among different age divisions. In addition, analysis based on the sports policy factors leading to international sporting success (SPLISS) model revealed that the necessary conditions for the development of the southern lion dance have received preliminary support. Elementary schools are found to have higher rates of establishment of and participation in southern lion dance troupes than do secondary schools. It was also observed that most training was carried out by private civil society organizations. Despite the fact that coach training and development and international/national competitions have all been in line with necessary investment requirements, progress needs to continue. Meanwhile, there has been insufficient development of facilities and scientific research. Therefore, we provide 4 specific suggestions: first, increase and promote participation in the sport. Second, continue promoting international multi-sport events. Third, provide resources for comprehensive improvement of investment projects. Finally, update the rules and scoring system. In summary, we expect that the practitioners of the southern lion dance can work together to popularize this sport in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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