


A New Trend for Professional Table Tennis: T.League in Japan




張碩文(Shuo-Wen Chang);陳耀宏(Yao-Hung Chen);內藤久士(Hisashi Naito)


奧林匹克運動會 ; 中國乒乓球超級聯賽 ; 4人4分制 ; 3人5分制 ; Olympic Games ; China Table Tennis Super League ; 4 matches for 4 players ; 5 matches for 3 players




155期(2020 / 12 / 31)


14 - 23






As Japan desires better results at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, the T.League has been established as a sports business model for athletes to make a living from table tennis. Its opening game was held on October 24, 2018. In this paper, we use the document analysis method to search for the development competition format and rules of the T.League in Japan and compare them with those of the China Table Tennis Super League, the only professional league in Asia at present. The results show that: (1) The league was founded by Koji Matsushita, a former Japanese national team player, and created over an 8 year period, 2010~2017. (2) The unique rules of the T.League (4 matches for 4 players: 1 double and 3 singles) heighten the tension and drama and provide spectators a novel viewing experience. (3) The rules of the China Table Tennis Super League are similar to those of table tennis in the Olympics (5 matches for 3 players). Meanwhile, the rules of the T.League allow many foreign players to participate. Participating players can learn multiple skills and improve their table tennis skills. Since the T.League was developed only 2 years ago, there is still a lack of research in related areas, such as the league's sports business value, teams' management policies, and how the number of spectators can be increased. We hope this paper helps table tennis fans better understand the T.League, and that talented young players within the country will adopt T.League competition as a profession.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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