


Learning Strategies for Integrating Flipped Teaching Into Different Types of Physical Education Courses




張佑誠(You-Cheng Jhang);陳子威(Tzu-Wei Chen);林如瀚(Ju-Han Lin)


認知領域 ; 十二年國民基本教育課程綱要 ; 行動科技 ; cognitive domain ; curriculum guidelines of 12-year basic education ; mobile technology




156期(2021 / 03 / 31)


1 - 9






In the context of physical education, the flipped teaching model can help students achieve cognitive domain goals by combining different learning strategies that guide them into high-level thinking. Effective implementation of strategies has become a key factor for success when teaching different sports. The purpose of this article is to conduct a literature review that explores learning strategies for integrating flipped teaching into physical education courses. Drawing from the curriculum guidelines of 12-year basic education, 4 different sports (swimming, basketball, pool, and dancing) in 3 varieties of sport activities (challenge, competition, and performance) are examined. We conclude that: (1) Students can refer to a pre-class study sheet as outlined in the watch-summary-question (WSQ) technique proposed by Kirch in 2012. This fosters autonomous learning and aids in integration of content. In addition, the use of mobile technology in the classroom can increase the richness of course activities and facilitate reaching a high-level cognitive model. (2) For challenge-based sport, skillful performance can be achieved through reflective strategies and correction of movement techniques. (3) For competition-based sport, group discussion activities are conducted in the classroom. Joint reflection among peers fosters a shared understanding of the use of offensive and defensive strategies. (4) In-class peer evaluation can be applied to instruction for performance-based sport. Inspiring creativity through observation and reflection is conducive to improving performance skills.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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