In the era of the digital economy, use of internet or technology applications is increasingly common within the sports industry. The issue of legal compliance cannot be ignored when discussing specific technologies. Given the trend of live streaming fitness classes (introduced by Peloton, a US company), the purpose of this article is to focus on potential corporate legal compliance issues applicable to hiring a fitness coach to produce videos, rather than issues of personal data protection or technological application. Through literature review and summary of practical judgements, this article would handle the possible legal issues, especially regarding the Copyright Act and after-resignation business strife limitation agreements for work for hire or contract labor under the Labor Standards Act. Results indicate that the key to the operational planning and protection of legal rights and interests of live streaming fitness classes lies in the originality of the output of the class. Originality during live broadcast fosters a positive cycle which could permit the work to be protected by the Copyright Act. This stands in contrast to previous practices of merely creating a sports atmosphere with some required software and hardware. Also, corporations should pay attention to the authorization agreement and the prohibition of competition when hiring a coach to make a film. Finally, for the reference of sports industry operators and practitioners, this article proposes concrete suggestions for the contents of the contract, controlling the ownership of copyright and the scope of authorization.
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