


An Approach to Career Guidance Strategies for Student-Athletes From Social Cognition Perspectives




張靜宜(Ching-Yi Chang);詹俊成(Chun-Che Chan)


社會支持 ; 學習經驗 ; 生涯自我效能 ; 結果預期 ; 職業興趣 ; social support ; learning experience ; career self-efficacy ; outcome expectation ; career interest




163期(2022 / 12 / 31)


1 - 10






The discovery and cultivation of elite athletes are essential for successful participation in international sports at the highest level. In this context, if the government and schools offer well-structured career guidance policies, it will not only help athletes feel more secure and positive about their future, but also contribute to their subsequent career development. Therefore, the purpose of this article are to collect and analyze important research results within social cognitive career theory, explore the important cognitive factors that affect individual career behavior, and then propose a reference for schools formulating career guidance strategies for student-athletes. The results show that social support, learning experience, career self-efficacy, outcome expectation, career interest, and career goals are important factors affecting career behavior and performance. Tailor-made career guidance is an important element of fostering a proper attitude toward career development for athletes, assisting them in self-reflection, constructing their beliefs, and deepening their positive personality traits. Appropriate career guidance can also help them integrate their abilities and values, confirm their career goals, and properly plan their career development.

主题分类 社會科學 > 體育學
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