Seniors' participation in volunteer services has been a proven benefit in successful aging. However, participating senior volunteers in community services in Taiwan are fewer than those in other countries. Therefore, this study explores community as a whole, gender variance in the involvement of volunteer services, and their affecting factors. A cross-sectional survey study was designed, and the senior adults in New Taipei City (a suburban area nearby Taipei City) were the study subjects. Stratum sampling was used for data collection during senior community activities. 3,000 senior adults age 65 and above were surveyed, and 2,578 survey questionnaires were returned with an 85.9% return rate. The overall results indicated that those having a higher attendance rate of volunteer community services were in between the ages of 65 and 74, had jobs with sufficient financial support, were unhappy with their living environment, lived nearby the metropolitan area, and took part in community activities. The married males had a higher rate of attending volunteer services. The married females with sufficient financial support and dissatisfaction in their living environment had a higher rate of volunteer services in their communities. In fact, if senior volunteers participate in community services, they will have more opportunities of continuing to interact with the society. Participation in social activities will significantly influence their willingness to join volunteer services. Therefore, senior adults in the community should be encouraged to join various and expansive social activities to enhance their willingness to participate in volunteer services, which may enhance seniors' life meaning and values.
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