The article described a nursing experience of caring for an end-of-life patient with metastatic lung cancer. The rapid progression of the disease right after initial diagnosis resulted in bone metastasis and pleural effusion. The patient's family appeared helpless and grieving as the patient's death was approaching. The nursing period was from June 1 to June 23, 2015. With Gordon's 11 functional health patterns assessment tool and the patient's physical assessment, the patient's care problems were identified to include ineffective breathing patterns, pain, impaired skin integrity, and anticipatory grief of family. Care interventions provided included relieving the patient's symptoms, progressively regulating oxygen supply, assessing use of medication through professional care team discussion, and providing consistent empathy and support to all family members during the period of hospice care, so they could express their love and say good-bye without feeling any regret. It is suggested that nurses should be trained to provide emotional support to terminally ill patients and their family to promote of the quality of end-of-life care.
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衛生福利部(2015,8月21日)•民國103年死因統計年報•取自http://www.mohw.gov.tw/cht/DOS/Statistic.aspx? Flistno=312&fod_list_no =5488