Complete nursing records enable effective communication between medical personnel and can improve the maintenance of patient care quality. Our Hemodialysis Center, which prepared hemodialysis records by hand, regularly experienced incomplete records. Therefore, a project team conducted a hemodialysis record survey and found that 19.5% of hemodialysis records were incomplete. We subsequently conducted interviews and generalized the results, from which the causes of incompletion were identified: (a) the time for providing and recording the hemodialysis care overlapped each other, which renders the nursing personnel to have insufficient time to record properly; (b) nursing personnel did not make records immediately after the hemodialysis treatments and often forgot to complete them; (c) there were multiple types of forms that were not integrated and evaluated for effectiveness; (d) the hemodialysis record forms were small and easily missed; and (e) the nursing personnel were not provided with a standard for recording their observations during the process. To alleviate these problems, the process of recording hemodialysis observations were simplified, record-writing standards were formulated and implemented, a hemodialysis record information system was created, programs for continuing education on hemodialysis observational recordings were hosted, evaluation times of the information system were scheduled, and incentives for using t he information system were implemented. After the aforementioned measures were followed, the percentage of incomplete hemodialysis records decreased from 19.5% to 3.8%. By implementing the project, we improved the incompletion rate of hemodialysis records and elevated patient safety as well as the care quality of hemodialysis patients.
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國家衛生研究院(2016,3月11日).國家衛生研究院電子報-2015台灣腎病年報.取自http://enews.nhri.org.tw/enews_css_list_new2.php?volume_indx=643&showx=show article&article_indx=10963&enews_dt=201 6-03-11