


Life-Sustaining Treatment for Terminally Ill Patients and the Experimentation of ACP- Employ Medical Intensive Care Unit as a Case Study




馬瑞菊(Jui-Chu Ma);林佩璇(Pei-Xuan Lin);曾令君(Ling-Chun Tseng);蕭嘉瑩(Chia-Ying Hsiao);蘇珉一(Min-I Su)


加護病房 ; 維生醫療 ; 病人自主權利法 ; 預立醫療自主計畫 ; intensive care unit ; life-sustaining treatment ; patient autonomy act ; advance care planning




20卷1期(2019 / 03 / 01)


3 - 15






After the Patient Autonomy Act implementation, doubtlessly made changes to the medical officers in the Medical Intensive Care Unit whom faces the decision making of life-sustaining treatment to terminally ill patients for a long time. The previous experience should be obtained as a reference for the execution, and hence this study aims to identify the current situation and limitations of the implementation of the hospice palliative care by recommending the published papers from the Medical Intensive Care Un it in our hospital. This study also analyzes how the Patient Autonomy Act will affect the medical officers in the future to effectively promote the Application of Advance Care Planning (ACP) and assist the patients to dismiss life -sustaining treatment as an act of respecting their autonomy and their wish of good death.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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