Medical devices based on the technology of artificial intelligence have been a hot topic in recent years and have gradually adapted in the medical clinical practice. Because of the different characteristics of these smart devices, the application risks of legal liability are different for these devices. This article divides smart devices by two classification methods. The first one classifies smart devices depending on the requirements of governmental premarket approvals and clinical trials. Devices go through the paths of clinical trials and premarket approval will have less risks of product liability. However, the software-alone devices would be deemed as service rather than products. Second, this article classifies smart devices depending on the intervention of medical personnel in the use of the devices. Medical personnel is responsible for malpractice caused by smart devices that assist medical therapists for decision-making. Smart devices are not easy to be proofed for design defect because of the difficulty to compare with other products. Label defect is easier to be proofed. For the risks caused by the imperfection of innovative technology, medical institutions and healthcare practitioners should pay attention to the clauses of sale or service contracts in order to distribute or exclude the relevant legal risks.
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