This article details a nursing experience of a primiparous woman with breast cancer who also faced termination of pregnancy due to fetal abnormality after treatment for a year. The specific case's inability to adjust her psychological problems motivated the author to explore this topic. The nursing period initiated from October 10th to 15th in 2016. By assessing the individual's case with "Gordon 11 Function Health Patterns" and practically taking part in the process of the case study with care, observation, accompany, listening and personal interviews, the author had collect information and analyze them. The nursing problems hence identified include: (1) Pain - The lack of uterine discomfort during contraction, (2) Anxiety - The lack of knowledge of labor induction, (3) Grieving - The sorrow after termination of pregnancy due to fetal abnormality. The author truly understand the case's double pressure of post-treatment recovery and pregnancy - hope by taking care of the individual case - to help alleviate the case's stress and discomfort before and after the labor induction. Furthermore, the author hopes to improve the case's emotional adjustment after the loss of her baby, helping her successfully went through those three types of hardship. In order to comprehensively provide constant antenatal and postnatal care, the nomination of a case manager and the tracing system after the patient discharge from hospital are highly recommended. Additionally, in order to enhance the ability of grief counseling, the regular counseling training courses relating pregnant women with cancer for nurses in obstetrics & gynecology are also recommended. By providing the nursing staff in obstetrics & gynecology with this nursing experience, the author hopes this can become a reference for others when taking care of the patients with cancer, help the families of the patients gone through the pain and hence look forward to the future.
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